Functional Medicine

Functional Medicine

At St Helens Acupuncture, our Functional Medicine program weaves the best of Nutritional Therapy with the power of Traditional Medical Diagnosis (TMD) by utilizing Asian Medicine signs and symptoms to develop a holistic approach to all of the body’s systems (digestive, hormonal, vascular, lymphatic and many others).  TMD looks at the collection of symptoms to synthesize an overall diagnosis.  The diagnosis informs how we will work to achieve balance in the patient to ensure a customized and optimal program of vitamins, minerals, probiotics, and custom herbal formulas.  Additionally, we develop a plan for you for dietary changes and exercise, and assist you in discovering areas of your life that provide you with inspiration as part of the movement toward abundant health and vitality.

Our Health and Detoxification

At the root of many illnesses remains the body’s inability to eliminate toxins.  We provide  programs utilizing high quality Gemmotherapy products, which are deep-acting herbal extracts from trees and other plants.  These plans incorporate many ways to ensure your body is adequately eliminating the toxic load that we all experience in the modern world.  This exposure to toxins over the long term can have many effects that lead to chronic illness and disease. Gemmotherapy is a method of drainage by which toxins are extracted from the cellular level outwards to the exterior through the excretory organs thus providing the avenues for the passage of these waste products and cellular debris out of the body and healing into the cells.

Gemmotherapy is very specific cellular drainage which is very safe and deep acting.  These herbal liquids can provide amazing healing capacities, even repairing damaged and ruptured ligaments, tendons and cartilage for instance with Ampelopsis weitchii.

Chronic conditions such as allergic asthma and even severe lung damage such as emphysema can have dramatic improvement with these powerful herbal liquids.

In addition to these herbal detox products we also provide detoxification plans for you to use at home. These plans included specific dietary regimens and nutritional supplementation as well as other therapies including Far Infrared Saunas, colonics, castor oil packs and other lymphatic drainage and stimulation regimens.

We hope to lead everyone into the depths of cellular healing, greater freedom, absence of decrepitude at an early age (75), and longevity beyond our imagination.

If you have ever experienced any of the following symptoms our specialized programs will benefit your health and wellness:


Stomach problems/Digestive ailments

Insomnia/Sleep Disorders

Allergies and Skin Disorders

Diabetes (Type II)

Endocrine Disorders (Hypothyroid/Hyperthyroid/Menopause)

Cardiac Issues

Infertility or Impotence

Pain Syndromes

We treat these conditions and many more to assist you in your healing process.  We can provide the roadmap and tools for your health improvement, and encourage you to develop habits that support your vitality and abundant health.